So, you think Grammarly is the holy grail of writing, right?

Do you also think that all top writers have perfect-scoring articles?

Think again!

For the past month or so, I’ve been analyzing the highest performing articles on Medium to figure out what makes them tick. I decided to have some fun and see how each compared with some of my articles using Grammarly, which is likely one of the most popular tools writers use.

I found pretty interesting results from the analysis, and I want to share some of them here.

Note that I didn’t play around with the criteria (see below) so that they all get analyzed the same way. Some articles might be more informal and may have performed better if that setting was chosen for formality.

And a word of caution: It’s hard to make any serious conclusions from a sample of 10 articles only. It’s possible that if the list were to have 100 entries, the results would be different. However, that data doesn’t exist as the top 100 highest-performing articles vary greatly in read time, views, claps, etc.

